What to give for the holidays

TOP 29 ideas What to give to classmates + 31 gifts and Tips

If it is customary in your team to give gifts to each other, most likely you have already thought about what to give your classmates for different holidays.

If warm, friendly relations have developed in the team, it is necessary to carefully approach the choice of a presentation. The best ideas for what to give to classmates or classmates:

TOP 29 ideas What you can give to classmates

  1. Powerbank.
  2. A functional multi-tool keychain, a 3D model for guys or a heart-shaped keychain for girls.
  3. A set of teas of different varieties with the name of the person to whom the gift is intended written on the package.
  4. T-shirt with a photo print or a playful inscription.
  5. Touch screen gloves are a great gift for classmates or classmates for the New Year.
  6. A small piggy bank of the original form – in the form of an animal, wallet, globe or safe.
  7. Comfortable mouse pad or optical ring mouse.
  8. USB vacuum cleaner for keyboard.
  9. Mini lamp, night light or clothespin lamp for reading books in the dark.
  10. Magnetic key holder or mini key holder.
  11. A calculator in the form of a chocolate bar or a model with a built-in puzzle.
  12. Holder for phone or other gadgets.
  13. Cover for a student card with cool inscriptions.
  14. Flip clock on the desktop.
  15. Original coasters for hot mugs made of real bamboo.
  16. Set of bookmarks with backlight.
  17. Small souvenir money tree.
  18. Desktop or wall perpetual calendar.
  19. A small magnetic writing board complete with a special marker.
  20. Inexpensive, but high-quality headphones or headset.
  21. Funny sharpener in the shape of a fruit, a vegetable, a man, a character from the movie.
  22. A set of personalized fortune cookies is a fun birthday gift idea for a classmate or classmate.
  23. A jigsaw puzzle set with lots of pieces to assemble.
  24. Thermal mug, thermo glass, lunch box, a set of breakfast bags with interesting images or inscriptions.
  25. Gum for hands is a plastic toy for getting rid of stress.
  26. Unusual alarm clock – running away, flying away, target alarm clock.
  27. Board games – “Mafia”, “UNO”, “Crocodile”, “Alias” and other games for a large company.
  28. Antibook is a cover for books with funny or shocking inscriptions.
  29. Funny house slippers.

What to give classmates for different holidays

Every year the girls congratulate the boys on the Defender of the Fatherland Day and other holidays. At the same time, they choose a gift for a long time and carefully, but it is not always possible to pick up something original and interesting.

List of the best gift ideas for boy classmates:

Nominal awards. Diplomas, medals or cups. At first glance, a banal gift, but it can be made pleasant and original. Come up with a nomination for each guy that will highlight his achievements and features. Examples: “To the best sportsman”, “To the keen hunter” or “To the most quick-witted”. Everyone will like such an unusual surprise.

A set of military dry rations. Comic and cool gift for February 23. It will make you feel like soldiers even for those guys who did not serve in the army. The set includes canned meat, biscuits (bread), pate, as well as jam and candies. You can find a special gift set or buy a real army dry ration. A good alternative to such a gift is a small flask for drinks.

Interesting puzzle. Such a little thing will be interesting not only for children, but also for adults. Trains logic and attention, which is important for any student. You can give a Rubik’s cube, a perplexus ball, a tag puzzle, a small maze or something else. The shops sell a lot of puzzles in the form of spheres, cubes, pyramids. You can pick up different puzzles for each guy.

A few more ideas that you can give male students in a team on February 23, New Year and other holidays:

  1. A good handle in the form of a grenade launcher or a helicopter model that can be launched into flight. Attach personalized notebooks or notebooks to the gift.
  2. Carpal expander ring, small dumbbells or other inexpensive sports equipment.
  3. Space food in tubes is an original gift for classmates on February 23rd.
  4. A shoe care kit is a practical and useful gift.
  5. A typewriter for money is a comic gift.
  6. Multi-tool credit card with different tools.
  7. Curly lighters for smoking guys, and for non-smokers – small flashlights.
  8. Stones for cooling drinks (not only alcoholic).
  9. A set of gingerbread in the form of tanks.
  10. Goblets – glass versions of various shapes or wooden ones in the form of barrels. And if there are guys in the group who don’t drink, you can give them mugs that change color when heated.

What can you give classmates from guys


TOP 29 ideas What to give to classmates + 31 gifts and Tips

Not far off March 8 or New Year? Many guys think about the question of what to give to classmates, but they still cannot find a worthy present.

List of gifts that can be given to classmates for different holidays:

Set for the soul and relaxation. Girls love to take water procedures, sometimes they turn it into a whole ritual. Gift your classmates creative sets of scented candles, salt or bath bombs to help them relax and recharge after a long day of school or work.

Bag holder. This is a fashionable and inexpensive decoration designed for a handbag, which is sure to come in handy for girls. The device is attached to any surface, after which you can hang a handbag or package on it. You can pick up a holder in the form of a beautiful butterfly, flower, animal.

Travel set. What to give a classmate for her birthday? A great gift would be a travel set that includes an inflatable pillow, an eye mask and earplugs. With their help, any trip will be comfortable. You can also make such a gift to the whole beautiful half of the group on March 8, New Year or another holiday.

A few more gifts for classmates from guys:

  1. Plant Growing Kit – With this gift, girls can grow a flower or a whole tree on their own.
  2. An anti-stress toy with a filler that is pleasant to the touch.
  3. Stylish mobile phone pendant.
  4. Original mirror or cosmetic bag.
  5. Comb with ionization for professional hair care.
  6. A sweater for a cup is an unusual and warm surprise, perfect as a gift for the New Year.
  7. A jar of gift honey or jam for girls with a sweet tooth.
  8. Small boxes or jewelry stands.
  9. A waterproof shower radio is an unusual gift for the female half of the group.
  10. A water bottle is an idea of ​​what to give to a classmate who is fond of sports and takes care of her health.

What to give classmates with their own hands

A good gift idea for classmates is a do-it-yourself thing. This is an inexpensive, but unusual surprise option.

The main thing is to use your imagination, and then you will be able to surprise guys or girls. List of ideas:

  • Homemade baking. A delicious handmade gift for the male half of the team. Suitable for any holiday – February 23, New Year and even graduation. You can bake a big cake and treat all classmates to it, or you can make personal gifts – holiday boxes with cookies.
  • Photo collage of interesting moments of student life . A gift that can be given to a classmate or classmate for his birthday. Collect the most interesting and memorable photos of the group, place them on a large Whatman paper, write a few kind words and wishes. Let each of the classmates leave their congratulations on the collage.
  • Video congratulations . An original gift for boys or girls on February 23 and March 8, respectively. Write down and mount a congratulation – separately for each person or general. Show creativity and imagination – you can, for example, write down wishes in verse or sing a song.
  • Sweet bouquet made from sweets . An unusual and very pleasant gift for the beautiful half of the group on March 8, which is sure to please every girl. The male version is a bouquet of beer cans or snacks (fish, sausages, cheese).
  • Wish box. Buy in the store or make yourself beautiful and compact chests from cardboard – one for each member of the team. In the chests, put notes with pleasant words and congratulations, which are intended for its future owner.

Tips: What gift to choose for classmates

Choosing a good gift is not easy, and the task becomes more complicated if you need to pick up a present for several people.

To give something worthwhile and leave a good impression of the holiday, use the following tips:

  1. Buy gifts in advance – a week before the celebration or even earlier. You will have time to choose a good gift. Otherwise, you will acquire surprises in a hurry. There is a risk of buying the first thing that the recipients don’t like.
  2. Boys should be given “male” gifts, and girls should be given “female” gifts. In the first case, you should not give teddy bears even for the sake of a joke, in the second – tool kits and so on. If you want to make a sweet present, choose dark chocolate for guys, buy Raffaello boxes for girls.
  3. Do you want to surprise your classmates and make this day unforgettable? Arrange a small holiday with spectacular and cheerful congratulations. It can be a party with competitions and entertainment or a modest tea party.
  4. Make collective gifts the same or slightly different from each other (in shape, color). So no one will be offended that he got a less expensive or less presentable gift.
  5. Often in teams where the same number of boys and girls is held, a draw is held, which determines who and to whom will give a gift. If you do the same, do not forget to agree on the amount of the gift in advance – all gifts must be equal in value.

What is better not to give classmates for different holidays

You should not buy the first souvenirs that come across – they will not leave any positive emotions, but will only stand on the shelf, collecting dust. You should also refuse to purchase the following presents:

  • Banal gifts. Shampoo, cheap decorative cosmetics for girls, foam and shaving kits for guys are gifts that everyone is tired of. Show your imagination, and then the surprise will be remembered for a long time.
  • Too personal presents and gifts with a hint. Even if your group has developed a close relationship, you should refrain from buying too personal gifts. You should not give, for example, a set of cool underpants for boys or books “How to lose weight fast” for girls. It is customary to buy such gifts on your own.
  • Expensive gifts. Be sure to consider the financial capabilities of classmates. If you give guys an expensive perfume on February 23, this will put them in a difficult position and oblige them to seriously spend money on March 8. A gift can be inexpensive, but pleasant or even useful.
  • Alcohol. Alcoholic drinks are considered an unfortunate gift. Not all students like alcohol, and if they do, they prefer different things. In addition, it is better to give better quality and more expensive drinks, which is difficult to do if you need to make a gift for a group of people.
  • Decorations. Rings, rings, earrings, pendants are a bad gift for classmates or classmates. You will not be able to please everyone at once – each person has his own preferences, someone will definitely remain dissatisfied with the gift.
  • Cloth. Even if you are sure that you know the size of each classmate, you can mix up gifts or buy clothes that do not fit the heroes of the occasion in style or color. Clothing, including socks, is not a very good gift in a team.


Before choosing what to give to classmates or classmates for different holidays, consult with other fellow students, find out the interests of those to whom the gift is intended.

Show a little imagination and attention, give up banal things and postcards, and then your gift will be remembered for a long time.

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