What to give a girl

What to give the Girl an original and how? 28 ideas + 13 gifts

Smart men know that you need to give cute presents to the fairer sex not only on holidays, but also for no reason. However, it is not always easy to decide what can be an original gift for a girl.

While some are puzzling over what original gift to give a girl, others are already using our ideas and delighting their loved ones.

TOP 28 ideas of what to give a girl an original

  1. A star named after a loved one;
  2. Airbrush certificate for her car;
  3. Erotic game “Fanta”, in which all tasks have a sexual connotation;
  4. Annual subscription to the solarium;
  5. A subscription to a pool or a fitness center (if you are sure that the girl will not perceive such a present as an offensive hint);
  6. A declaration of love and a photo of your lady of the heart, placed on a banner in front of the house or the nearest billboard;
  7. A box-case or a special organizer for cosmetics;
  8. A tattoo in honor of your beloved on your body or a certificate for a pair tattoo for you and your chosen one;
  9. Subscription to the equestrian club;
  10. A pet that your other half has long dreamed of (if you are sure that she is really ready to take care of him);
  11. Ultrasonic toothbrush;
  12. A room decorated with flowers and balloons;
  13. Paid driving courses;
  14. Making repairs in the girl’s house or your common home with your own hands;
  15. Special eyelashes and sponges for decorating the bumper and headlights of a car or a complete tuning of her car;
  16. Blanket for two with your best photos;
  17. A panel on which her name is made up of the favorite pictures of your chosen one;
  18. A set of organizers for storing underwear;
  19. An exclusive issue of a well-known magazine with a photo of a girl and a corresponding headline on the cover, where all articles will be devoted only to her (designers in the printing house will help create such a present);
  20. Scratch map of the world (by erasing the protective layer from its surface, you can mark the countries that you have already visited);
  21. Night light or floor lamp with general photos;
  22. Thermo mug with an interesting design;
  23. Special hammock for yoga;
  24. Voice picture (to create it, you need to record a declaration of love to a girl or a warm wish for her, after which a team of specialists will arrange the sound into a graphic image);
  25. A set of spices for mulled wine;
  26. A bathroom table where you can store all the necessary bath accessories, as well as place a book or laptop to watch a movie;
  27. Edible body paint or caramel with aphrodisiacs and pheromones;
  28. Aquarium with a goldfish for the fulfillment of desires.

What to give a girl an original for new experiences

Representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are extremely impressionable creatures, therefore they value sincere emotions most of all.

For this reason, if you are looking for something to give a girl an original gift for a year of relationship or for any other date, we advise you to consider the following options:

Romantic trip . Any girl will confirm that this is a brilliant idea. This is a great opportunity not only to relax, but also to get acquainted with the culture of another country and interesting people.

In addition, having decided that giving a girl an original trip is the right decision, you are thus killing two birds with one stone, since you yourself will enjoy the trip with your beloved.

Do not despair if the budget does not allow you to go abroad – in our country there are no less beautiful places, having visited which you may no longer want to leave the Motherland;

Romantic night at the hotel . When arguing what you can give a girl as an original gift, remember that the most valuable thing for your relationship is the precious time spent together.

This gift will be especially joyfully received if the lovers do not have the opportunity to devote a lot of time to each other.

It is best to give preference to country hotels, where you can hide from the bustle of the city and enjoy solitude.

Naturally, the event requires some preparation: champagne, fruits and other favorite treats of your girlfriend, romantic music, flowers, appropriate appearance … With a competent approach, both of you will remember this day for a lifetime!

Amusement park tickets . If your beloved is a small child at heart, the presented option will be the right answer to the question “what can be an original gift for a girl?”.

Give your other half the opportunity to escape from adult worries and just suffocate with delight on the next carousel.

At the same time, when choosing where exactly you go, give priority to safety and the variety of attractions.

If there are no such places in your city, look for such an opportunity in neighboring cities and go there;

Fulfillment of all the desires of the girl during the day . Puzzling over what to give a girl inexpensively and in an original way, do not pass by this idea.

Become a real magician for your other half for the whole day, and you will see how her eyes shine from the fact that the man she loves is trying to make her happy.

At the same time, it is worth immediately specifying a list of desires that are unacceptable to you in order to avoid disappointment and disappointment on the part of the recipient;

Marriage proposal . If you are looking for something original to give a girl for a year of relationship, you can pay attention to options that involve moving to a new stage of relationship.

You should take care in advance how to give a girl a ring in an original way so that this touching moment will be remembered by your beloved for life.

Think about the setting, music, your appearance and other little things. Good options would be to organize a quest, the reward for winning which will be a ring, or a whole flash mob with the participation of your family and friends – it all depends on your imagination.

What to give a girl cheap and original

Often there will be situations when you want to please a loved one, but your finances refuse to support such plans.

In this case, it is important to understand that a good gift does not have to be expensive – the main thing is that it reflects your sincere feelings and matches the tastes and preferences of your other half.

Suitable presentations that do not require large expenses can be considered:

  1. Love Castle . Lovers usually hang such gizmos on bridges in their hometowns on their wedding day, after which they throw away the key to it together. The lock is a symbol of unbreakable union and eternal love. However, it is not at all necessary to wait for the marriage, especially since many couples consider it a mere formality. You can buy this souvenir from local craftsmen and needlewomen who can arrange it in accordance with your wishes;
  2. Case for smartphone with photo printing . When the question “what to give a girl inexpensively and originally?” gets up especially sharply, remember what your girlfriend uses most often and what she always has with her. Of course it’s a phone! You can give this device a stylish and attractive appearance with the help of the original case, and your joint pictures will help make it more romantic. The accessory can contain both one large photo and a collage of several mini-frames – the choice depends on your preferences;
  3. Unusual bookmark for books . If your chosen one is a real book lover, she will definitely like this accessory. Of course, in order not to lose the desired page, you can use a regular piece of cardboard, but inserting a beautifully designed bookmark into your favorite book is much more pleasant, isn’t it? At the same time, it can be made of a wide variety of materials (metal, glass, plastic) and decorated with various decorative elements (beads, beads, ribbons, sparkles, rhinestones) – among such a variety you will definitely find something that will be appreciated by your beloved dignity;
  4. Breakfast in bed . A pleasant start to the day will help the girl tune in to the positive and recharge with a good mood. You only need to make coffee (or brew fresh tea), buy a couple of cakes, put flowers in a vase and let your beloved sleep longer – the secret of a good morning is simple!
  5. Fortune cookies . To prepare a surprise, you just need to buy cookies in a beautiful box, and making it magical is your task. Write cute predictions about your couple on small pieces of paper (for example, “This man will make you the happiest”, “At 20.. you will get married”, “You will have three children”, etc.) and wrap them in biscuit. Touching records will show the girl your serious intentions and cause extraordinary tenderness.

What an original gift to give a girl, made by yourself

Nothing will surprise your beloved like a thing that you have made with your own hands. Such a present is living evidence that a man has spent his time and effort to please his beloved, and this is more valuable than even the most expensive presents.

Good options from this point of view are:

A poem or song of one’s own composition . Of course, the hands have nothing to do with it, but the brain and heart will definitely be involved. As for the poems, it is better not only to read them, but also to arrange them in a beautiful frame so that the girl can enjoy your work at any time. Speaking of the song, the moment of its performance can be recorded on video.

Original hairpin . Naturally, it is unlikely that it will be possible to make such an accessory completely independently, but it is easy to show imagination when decorating it.

For a gift, you will need a base (the simplest hairpin without any decorations) and materials directly – rhinestones, beads, beads and other decorative elements that can turn even the most plain little thing into a real masterpiece.

Love letter sent by email . In the age of modern technology, gifts should be appropriate, and a romantic message in electronic form is just one of such gifts.

The text can be supplemented with funny animation, your joint photos or a valuable video sequence of the best shots, and the finished letter can be sent without warning to your beloved in the midst of the working day – surprise and delight will overflow.

How to choose what original gift to give a girl

When deciding what to give a girl an original gift, you need to know a few rules that will make the process of choosing a present much easier, and your significant other will glow with happiness.

These are the following recommendations:

  • Listen carefully and remember what your loved one says. Often girls mention their desires in a fleeting conversation, seeing an advertisement on TV or walking past shop windows;
  • Pay attention to the little things. Consider your beloved’s favorite colors, music, hobbies, tastes, lifestyle, temperament, etc.;
  • Search for a present yourself. Don’t wait for the girl’s relatives or friends to tell you a specific option. You can only listen to their advice – perhaps they will give you the right idea, but you still have to make the final decision yourself;
  • Imagine the reaction of your chosen one to this or that thing. Give preference to gifts that have an unambiguous meaning, understandable to both of you;
  • Use the internet. Go to the girl’s page on social networks, look for information on thematic forums, read relevant articles – you can probably learn something useful for yourself from these sources;
  • If, in your opinion, money is the best gift, but you still haven’t figured out how to give money to a girl in an original way, give preference to a similar option – a certificate for a purchase or any service;
  • If the thought of a suitable present refuses to cross your mind, ask your other half directly. However, it would be better if the questions do not concern the desired gift, but, on the contrary, what should not be given;
  • A mandatory addition to the main present for the weaker sex is a bouquet of flowers. Thinking about how to give flowers to a girl in an original way, entrust the courier to do it – it looks more romantic and thoughtful;
  • Think in advance about how to give a gift to a girl in an original way. Just giving a present is a bad option. Take care of the environment in which this will take place, the words that will accompany it, and, in the end, the proper presentation of the gift.

What is better not to give a girl

Refusal of the following gifts will help to avoid disappointment in the eyes of your beloved:

  • Cosmetics and clothes (there is a great chance to make a mistake with the choice);
  • Household items such as vacuum cleaners, pots, etc. (a reminder of the home routine is unlikely to please your beloved);
  • Underwear (if the relationship has just begun).


A gift for your girlfriend is a great opportunity to cheer her up, win her over and take your relationship to a new level. In order not to miss this chance, it is important to approach the choice of a present responsibly and, at the same time, with a soul – then your beloved will radiate only love, affection and care towards you.

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