What to give children

TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips

The first birthday is a significant holiday, both for the baby and for his parents, so the question of what to give a child for a year must be taken with all responsibility. If an adult, in extreme cases, you can give money, then such a number will not work with a child. To surprise and please the baby, your present does not have to be high-status, expensive. The child will be impressed by any bright and funny toy. However, it is desirable that it be developing and safe.

If a solemn event is about to come, and you still have not decided what to give your child for 1 year, do not rush to panic. It is easy to get lost in the sea of ​​modern toys, but here you will find interesting ideas for every taste and budget, and with the help of tips, you can create an original gift with your own hands!

The baby is unlikely to remember this exciting holiday for everyone, but the gifts chosen with love and care will delight the little one for more than one year. When choosing a present, try to take into account the needs of the family, the temperament of the baby, do not forget that toys should contribute to physical and creative development. Then your gift will definitely not be equal!

TOP 84 ideas What you can give a child for a year

  1. Tolokar machine.
  2. Dry pool with balls.
  3. Baby doll with many accessories.
  4. Inflatable pool.
  5. Rocking chair toy.
  6. Height meter.
  7. Non bursting soap bubbles.
  8. A set of children’s dishes.
  9. Bed linen for a crib.
  10. Balls of different sizes.
  11. Wheelchair with handle.
  12. Rack or basket for toys.
  13. Dance mat for kids.
  14. Playhouse or tent.
  15. Festive cake with one.
  16. Coloring book with stickers.
  17. Pyramid.
  18. Small home trampoline.
  19. Magnetic fishing.
  20. Wooden Toys.
  21. Doll carriage.
  22. Toy set of tools in a case.
  23. Soft play complex.
  24. Children’s luminous railway.
  25. Mini slide.
  26. Electric car with remote control for parents.
  27. Swing chair.
  28. Natural baby cosmetics (bathing gel, shampoo, etc.).
  29. Development designer.
  30. Soft armchair in the children’s room.
  31. Insert frames.
  32. Soft bedside rug with cartoon characters.
  33. Potty or baby seat for the toilet.
  34. Mosaic rug.
  35. Children’s swing.
  36. Sandbox pool.
  37. Toy steering wheel with buttons.
  38. Matryoshka set.
  39. Air purifier, ionizer for a nursery or playroom.
  40. A set of cutters.
  41. Mosaic with large details.
  42. Sorter.
  43. Tactile Lotto.
  44. A set for learning the first words with cards and pictures.
  45. car seat.
  46. Game “Ring toss”.
  47. Tumbler doll.
  48. Runbike.
  49. Poncho towel.
  50. A set of colored markers and pencils.
  51. Sled-carriage.
  52. Bath thermometer.
  53. Snow castle kit.
  54. Soft pajamas with the image of animals.
  55. Trolley with products.
  56. Chair for feeding with an adjustable back.
  57. Developing, training table-center.
  58. Machine in control.
  59. Toy book.
  60. Velcro set of fruits and vegetables.
  61. Musical development mat.
  62. Dishes on suction cups.
  63. A set of cubes.
  64. Thermos or drinker.
  65. Children’s bowling.
  66. Cute hat in the form of a funny animal.
  67. Musical instrument (xylophone, maracas, drum, etc.).
  68. Cozy slippers in the form of animals.
  69. Tunnel house.
  70. Soft rag dolls, animal figures stuffed with cereals inside.
  71. A set of figurines.
  72. Clamshell books with 3D characters.
  73. Bamboo utensils.
  74. Musical walkers.
  75. Bath toys.
  76. Plush jumpsuit in the form of an animal.
  77. Musical top.
  78. Puzzle labyrinths.
  79. Glove dolls.
  80. Hammer toys.
  81. Bathroom markers.
  82. Music Box.
  83. Sand set.
  84. Children’s plush blanket.

Original gifts for a one-year-old baby

On the eve of the holiday, you begin to be tormented by the question of what you can give your child for a year. Of course, the kid will be delighted with any new and bright toy, but you also want to impress his parents, “not lose face” in front of other guests. In addition, it is important that the purchase of a present does not empty your pocket. Here you will find interesting ideas that meet all these requirements.

Busyboard.  An interesting option what to give a child for a year to a boy. At this age, the baby especially needs educational toys.

This is a game board on which all kinds of household items are located (switches, chain doors, hecks, zippers, buttons, etc.).

The child will not just play, but develop fine motor skills, and will also be able to get to know household items more closely, and gain self-service skills.

interactive animal. Not a bad idea what to give a child for a year to a girl. All children are delighted at the sight of cute pets. But since the birthday girl is still very small to take responsibility for the life of a living being, such a present is exactly what you need.

In addition, a toy pet will teach the baby to care for others, develop tactile perception, and become a reliable friend for the next few years.

Comforter or splyushka toy. A great gift for a child for a year. This safe and soft toy has earned the recognition of parents all over the world. She will accompany the child everywhere and always, it is not scary to fall asleep with her and be left without a mother, the child feels safe.

Her main task is to provide the baby with comfort and coziness.

Tree sapling. An original birthday present for a boy. The plant will grow with the child. It is a symbol of life and health.

An important occasion is always chosen for planting such a tree, so the celebration of the first birthday is a suitable event. Especially such a gift will appeal to a family that has its own land. A beautiful tree will become its decoration.

What can be inexpensive to give a child for 1 year

When choosing gifts for a year to a child, it is not always necessary to consider expensive options. After all, the baby still does not remember what you presented him. And a gift for which you had to pay a round sum is not always successful.

In order not to make a mistake and make the right choice, consider interesting and budgetary options for presents.

Training shoes. A good birthday present for a one year old child. These are developing slippers that can be put on the baby’s feet. In addition to the fact that the products are very bright and immediately catch the eye, they are equipped with a lot of Velcro, buttons, laces and fasteners, which will captivate the birthday boy for a long time.

While playing, the child will develop fine motor skills and thinking, learn the names of colors, learn to put on shoes, fasten and unfasten buttons, buttons, zippers.

Talking poster. Another, no less interesting gift for a child for a year. An interactive poster is a methodological guide that teaches letters, numbers, objects and phenomena of the world in a playful way.

The product is powered by batteries, the control will not cause difficulties even for a small child.

Warmer toy. A wonderful gift for a one year old girl. Cherry pits, lavender or wheat are often used as fillers. This is an indispensable assistant to parents when a child suffers from colds, muscle or toothache.

The toy must be warmed up (for this, a microwave oven or a heating radiator is used) and simply placed on the problem area. This will help increase blood flow and relieve discomfort.

Costume of a super-hero or any other fairy-tale character. An unusual, but very interesting gift for a boy for one year. This is a great opportunity to arrange an unforgettable photo shoot for the baby and his parents.

Looking at funny pictures years later, a grown up boy will experience positive emotions.

Ideas for useful gifts for a year old

Going through all sorts of gift ideas for a child for a year in their minds, many opt for practical options.

Choose one of the presents offered here and you can be sure that they will definitely use it, each time remembering you with gratitude.

Devices for cleaning teeth.  Nice gift for a one year  old . It can be a quality toothbrush (or several), a set of toothpastes with different flavors, a funny toothbrush holder, etc. The first teeth have already erupted, which means that it is time to take care of their health.

Bright accessories from an early age will teach the child to follow hygiene rules, monitor the condition of the teeth. Habitual daily activities will bring joy and pleasure to the baby!

Table and chair for creativity. The best gift for a child for a year. Now is the time when the baby wants to try everything new, he likes to draw, sculpt with plasticine, etc.

To help him develop, you need to create comfortable conditions for this. A little advice – buy transforming furniture that grows with your child.

Silicone bib. Feeding a child is not an easy process, with such a bib it will become much more pleasant, both for the baby and for his parents.

Firstly, this present will save mom from endless washes, and secondly, much less time will be spent on feeding. The accessory is securely fixed on the baby’s chest, without causing him any discomfort.

Plush toy-night light. Sometimes it is scary for children to fall asleep in the dark, prevent this situation and give your baby a cute toy equipped with a night light.

Such a product will give a soft, pleasant light, provide a feeling of comfort and coziness. There are models with a sound effect, that is, the child will plunge into the realm of Morpheus under pleasant melodic sounds.

Commemorative gifts

If you decide to buy a memorable present for your child, this is also the right decision. Such things will serve as a good memory of the first birthday.

Feel free to choose any of the surprises you like and you definitely can’t go wrong!

Personalized silver spoon. Great gift for a one year old. There is even such a proverb: “I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth.” This means that your present will attract prosperity and well-being into the life of the baby, he will be lucky everywhere.

It is also believed that silver is able to neutralize negative energy, so the spoon will serve as a kind of amulet.

Jewel. A suitable answer to the question of what they give a child for a year. It is not necessary to give jewelry that the baby will wear right now. A good choice is a chain, earrings (if a gift for a girl).

One of the best and most versatile options is a pin. This product can serve as a kind of talisman, protecting the baby from envy, bad views and ideas, negative energy.

Impression set. What a great gift idea for a 1 year old. With this set, you can easily create a unique family value, looking at which it will seem that time has stopped. After all, the kit helps to capture the unique moments of childhood. Creating a mold is not difficult.

The set includes detailed instructions, a special mix for creation, as well as high-quality sculptural cleared plaster.

Silver coin. You can simply buy a coin for memory or order a product with a specific image, engraving.

Gifts for physical development

The baby should develop harmoniously, so the following gifts to the child in a year will definitely not be superfluous.

Choose the option you like and hurry to please the birthday boy and his parents.

Jumper toy.  Take a closer look at this gift if you do not know what to give children for a year.

This is a great way to improve the spine and strengthen muscles, form the correct posture in the baby, improve coordination of movements, develop the vestibular apparatus and get bright positive impressions, recharge with a good mood for the whole day.

Tricycle. Nice gift idea from grandma and grandpa. The kid quickly mastered crawling, learned to walk, very soon the time will come to famously pedal on a tricycle.

The benefits are not limited to the development of physical strength and endurance. Such riding strengthens and develops muscles, coordination of movements, attention and memory.

Children’s sports complex. A cool gift for a child for a year. With such a complex, the baby will never be bored. Despite the weather outside the window, he will always be able to realize his stupid energy.

Such exercises will develop dexterity and mobility, help avoid problems with the spine, allow you to feel the capabilities of your body, and teach you not to stop there.

Orthopedic mat. Running along bright and textured squares, the baby will not only be charged with good mood and vivacity, but will also be able to avoid flat feet, strengthen bones and joints.

Regular exercise will have a positive effect on immunity, mental development. The rug will help the child acquire the correct and confident gait, improve blood circulation in the limbs.

Presents for creativity


TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips

Attention should be paid to the creative development of the baby. The gifts offered in this category, both the baby and his parents will accept with gratitude and delight. Any of them will bring benefits and good mood.

Finger paint. Until the child has learned to hold a brush in his hands, let him draw with his fingers. For this, they came up with special paints that do not contain harmful substances, and therefore are absolutely safe for the health of the crumbs.

Such activities will have a beneficial effect on the development of the baby. Allow him to express himself, teach him how to use his hands, will contribute to the development of fine motor skills and speech.

Kinetic sand. You don’t have to go outside to play with sand. It is enough to purchase a special table with kinetic sand. This is an amazing mass, which has inherent fluidity properties, which allows you to create various shapes with its help.

While playing, the baby will develop imagination and fantasy, fine motor skills of hands, attention, memory, speed of thinking.

Water painting mat. Kids at this age do not yet realize that you need to draw only on paper. Therefore, traces of their creativity sometimes appear on wallpaper, doors and even clothes.

To avoid these troubles, give your child a special set where they draw only with water. Even if the baby wants to try the felt-tip pen in another place, the water will simply dry up without leaving any traces.

Puppet show. This is not just a bright and interesting gift.

Dolls can become true friends of the child, in addition, home performances will teach the baby to express his feelings, communicate with his peers and adults, stimulate the development of speech, and will also develop imagination and memory, the ability to think creatively.

DIY gifts for a 1 year old baby

First of all, the soul is invested in hand-made gifts, so they will be of greater value than those bought in a store.

To create the following presentations, you do not need to have special skills or tools. All you need is some materials at hand, a little free time and imagination.

sensory pouches

TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips


These are great toys for developing fine motor skills. Outwardly, they look like ordinary fabric bags, but inside each of them there is an unusual filler – hidden surprises. Learn how to create these interesting things with your own hands.

What you need:

  • bright shreds;
  • filler (pebbles, cereals, beads, etc.);
  • threads;
  • needles;
  • safety pins;
  • scissors.

How to do:

  • decide on the size. The bags do not have to be the same, the more varied they are, the better;
  • lay the fabric face down, when cutting, do not forget to leave an allowance (about 1 cm from each edge);
  • it is not worth sewing ties into the bags, otherwise the baby will be able to untie them and scatter or swallow the contents;
  • sew the product around the perimeter, leaving a small hole, after filling the bag, sew it with a blind seam;
  • thus, you can sew a whole kaleidoscope of bags that will develop the child and give him joy.



TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips

This is an irreplaceable thing that will help out mother and child in any situation: when teeth are cut or if you have to stand in a long line to the doctor, etc. If you know how to crochet at least a little, then creating such a present is not difficult.

What you need:

  • wooden beads of different sizes (make sure they are not painted);
  • cotton threads (can be plain or multi-colored);
  • hook of suitable size;
  • ribbon.

How to do:

  • using a hook, tie each bead;
  • make sure that all the knots are securely fastened and the tails of the threads are hidden;
  • measure the length of the ribbon, string all the beads on it;
  • tie the ribbon tightly, the gift is ready!

Tactile sock caterpillar


TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips

Such a “friend” will immediately appeal to the baby. This bright, cheerful and pleasant to the touch toy will conquer the heart of a little birthday boy at first sight. And you can do such a miracle in just half an hour!

What you need:

  • a new long sock (it is desirable that it be a bright color);
  • thick thread or bright ribbons;
  • buttons-eyes;
  • fillers (rice, buckwheat, pasta, beans, acorns, etc.).

How to do:

  • pour the filler on the bottom of the sock in such an amount that a small ball can be formed, tie it with a thread or ribbon;
  • continue in the same spirit until you reach the top of the toe;
  • fasten the thread tightly;
  • sew on button eyes. The gift is ready to please the baby!


There are many ideas that you can give a child for 1 year. To choose the perfect gift, be sure to use the following tips.

Educational gifts.  Give children items that will help them learn about the world around them.

Security. At this age, kids tend to taste everything, so before giving your present, make sure that it does not contain small parts, batteries that can be easily reached, etc.

Age appropriate. Do not buy toys “for growth.” Such a gift is unlikely to interest the little birthday boy, he will be put aside, and then they can completely forget about him.

Gift quality.  The toy should not be unnatural, too bright color. Make sure it doesn’t smell bad. Ask the seller for a quality certificate. Agree, it will be a shame if your gift breaks the next day.

Don’t forget about mom. Choosing a gift for a child, try to pay attention to his mother. After all, this is her holiday. Of course, it is not worth giving an expensive gift, a modest bouquet of flowers will be enough, it is advisable to supplement it with sweets or another cute souvenir.

Ask for advice.  If no ideas come to mind, you can ask the parents of the little one. They will definitely give you some good ideas. And if you don’t have children yet, which means you don’t have the relevant experience, you can consult with people who have already become mom and dad.

Money . Many parents do not mind that guests hand over money. However, such a gift will look boring. Try to beat him a little by handing a certificate to a children’s goods store.

Presentation decoration. Do not neglect gift wrapping. Of course, she will be of little interest to the little birthday boy, but his parents will be very pleased.

What is better not to give

In order for the first birthday to be fun and carefree, leaving pleasant memories behind, it is important that no trifle can spoil it. Therefore, before purchasing a present, carefully study the list of anti-gifts.

  • Soft toys (especially huge ones).  A few days after the holiday, the child will lose interest in such a toy, and it will only collect dust, which can provoke an allergy.
  • Animator.  Discard this idea, as many young children are distrustful of strangers.
  • Items with small details. A child can swallow some element, which will cause irreparable harm to his health.
  • Too loud toys.  In addition to the fact that harsh sounds can scare the baby, they will negatively affect the nerves of his parents.
  • Overpriced surprises.  If you are not close to your parents, you will have to refuse an expensive gift, as it can be embarrassing.
  • Too practical stuff.  A one-year-old baby will not understand the value of such gifts. If you still decide to present such a present, be sure to supplement it with some modest surprise, designed personally for the baby.
  • Chocolate and other treats.  Such gifts can cause allergies.
  • Pets.  In addition to the fact that parents may be against this surprise, a one-year-old baby will accept animals as part of his toys.


All the gift options presented here are undeniably good! The main thing is that your present should immediately interest the child and be useful to him in everyday life.

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