What to give children

TOP 96 ideas What to give a boy for 2 years +17 gifts and Tips

Each kid is looking forward to his birthday, so adults face the difficult question of what to give a boy for 2 years. When going to a holiday, many people think that they will surprise a child by giving him a car.

However, it’s time to move away from stereotypes, because there are many gifts that will delight the boy.

When deciding what to give a child to a boy for 2 years, first of all, you need to pay attention to educational gifts. After all, it is thanks to such gifts that the baby will better know the world around him, learn new skills for himself, and will strive for independence. Make it easier for yourself to choose by using the list of gifts offered in the article.

Here you will find unusual, useful, developing, inexpensive presents that will delight not only the little birthday boy, but everyone around him. Hurry up to find out what to give an active fidget, why, a young researcher, so that he is happy!

TOP 96 ideas What can you give a boy for 2 years

  1. Magnetic constructor.
  2. Interactive rocket.
  3. Toy wheelchair in the form of an animal.
  4. Rope machine.
  5. Children’s phone or laptop.
  6. Finger maze.
  7. Radio controlled car.
  8. Hand held toys.
  9. Finger paint.
  10. Jacket-transformer.
  11. Big set of soap bubbles.
  12. Home suit or cozy pajamas.
  13. Musical ring toss or skittles with a ball.
  14. Inertial machine.
  15. Cheerful stadiometer.
  16. Lotto with pictures of vegetables, fruits or animals.
  17. Basket for toys.
  18. A set of educational cards.
  19. A night light that tells stories.
  20. Set of road signs.
  21. Music pyramid.
  22. Tablet for drawing with light.
  23. Logic simple games and puzzles.
  24. Desktop sandbox.
  25. Ball and inflatable goal for football.
  26. Children’s game boxing set.
  27. Luminous faucet in the bathroom for a fun bath.
  28. Educational book with stickers.
  29. Inflatable swimming toy.
  30. Children’s sofa or unusual chair.
  31. Chair and table that grows with the child.
  32. A set of hedgehog balls.
  33. Inflatable play center.
  34. Big air ball.
  35. Scooter bike.
  36. Cool baseball cap.
  37. Great set for drawing.
  38. Hygiene kit for or after bathing.
  39. Tricycle.
  40. Potty chair.
  41. Busyboard.
  42. Magnetic board.
  43. Inflatable pool.
  44. Figurines of animals or dinosaurs.
  45. Machine with sound and light signals.
  46. Sneakers with luminous soles.
  47. A set of floating fish for the bathroom.
  48. Parking constructor.
  49. Battery powered train or locomotive.
  50. Knocker toy.
  51. Children’s umbrella, bright raincoat and rubber boots.
  52. Toy cart for a supermarket with products.
  53. Night light projector of the starry sky.
  54. Kaleidoscope or spinning top.
  55. Fire truck with retractable ladder.
  56. Matryoshka set.
  57. Tepee tent with mat.
  58. Bedding set with the boy’s favorite characters.
  59. Carpet with road markings.
  60. A set of colorful bamboo crockery.
  61. Runbike.
  62. Squish.
  63. Ball jumper with horns.
  64. Mosaic with large details.
  65. Coloring house.
  66. Pillow toy.
  67. Rocking horse made of natural wood.
  68. Circle, vest and sleeves for swimming.
  69. Musical instrument (children’s guitar, synthesizer, drum, etc.).
  70. A set of toys for playing in the bath or sandbox.
  71. Aeroball.
  72. Children’s play tent-house.
  73. Wall poster coloring book.
  74. Glowing railroad.
  75. Personalized silver spoon.
  76. Sandbox pool.
  77. Bright stickers in the bathroom.
  78. Snow scooter.
  79. Kigurumi pajamas.
  80. Markers for drawing on glass.
  81. Rug puzzle.
  82. Bathroom markers.
  83. Plasticine or dough for modeling.
  84. Play tunnel.
  85. Poncho towel.
  86. Karaoke microphone.
  87. Non bursting soap bubbles.
  88. Roller-tolokar.
  89. Interactive book.
  90. Sled-carriage.
  91. Rocking balancer.
  92. Finger puppet theatre.
  93. Talking repeat hamster.
  94. Puzzle cubes.
  95. Garage for cars.
  96. Construction equipment (dump truck, crane, etc.).

Original gifts for a 2-year-old baby

Surprising a small child is easy, you just need to choose an unusual gift. If you are at a loss as to what to give a little birthday boy, pay attention to the following tips.

Dry pool. A suitable gift idea for a 2 year old baby. It is not only a fun toy, but also a way for a child to develop. While playing in the pool, the baby will receive a massage, which will improve blood circulation, metabolism and the work of many systems (cardiac, respiratory, central).

The boy will receive moderate physical activity, he will form the correct posture.

Interactive soft toy. If you are thinking about what you can give a boy of 2 years old, then be sure to consider this idea.

A toy that can talk, sing, dance will become the best friend of the baby. Thanks to your gift, the child will quickly learn to talk, recognize the voices of animals, and feel the music.

Toys also have a positive effect on the development of thinking, memory, tactile sensations, fantasy, and creativity.

Hanging swing. Also a good gift for a two year old boy. The kid is provided with a fun pastime, in addition, riding on a swing is a type of outdoor activity.

Such an activity strengthens the muscular system, has a calming effect on the child’s body, teaches to balance, keep balance, strengthens the vestibular apparatus, improves coordination of movements.

Ideas for inexpensive birthday gifts for 2 years

A small child does not care at all how much your gift will cost. The main thing for a birthday person is to get a new and interesting thing.

Do not rush to give the boy expensive gifts, because he still has many important dates ahead of him. Here you can choose an inexpensive, but nice birthday gift.

Flashlight projector. Pay attention to this gift if you are looking for what to give inexpensively. This unusual toy will definitely not go unnoticed by the little researcher. Thanks to the flashlight, the baby will be able to believe in magic.

After all, one has only to insert a slide into a special compartment of the device and turn off the light in the room, as the walls and ceiling will immediately “come to life”, familiar characters of fairy tales will appear on them – three little pigs, Little Red Riding Hood, an ugly duckling, a cat and a fox.

Dinosaur egg growing in water. If you don’t know what toy to give a boy for 2 years, choose this gift and you won’t go wrong. The kid will be happy to watch the process of the birth of a dinosaur.

The egg must be placed in water, then the most difficult thing is to be patient.

The first changes will be visible only after 12 hours, the dinosaur will be “born” only after two days.

The toy will increase several times, splitting the shell. The dinosaur can be taken out of the water, dried and played with.

Clockwork toy . A two-year-old boy is interested in everything that moves, so such a gift is a win-win option. The most popular clockwork toys for bathing, then hygiene procedures will be fun and joyful.

While all the attention of the baby will be occupied by a bright toy, the mother will be able to wash it, as a result, everyone will be satisfied.

What useful can you give a boy for 2 years

Often adults, choosing a gift for a boy for two years, are looking at practical things. This is the right decision, since children quickly get bored with toys, and the baby will use the following items for several years.

These are worthy gifts that will benefit the boy and his parents.

Machine bed. Every little man dreams of his own car. Such a birthday present will be remembered by the boy for a long time. The original piece of furniture will enliven the children’s room.

A bed of an interesting shape will solve the problem of falling asleep, because it is much more pleasant to fit into a comfortable typewriter. During the day, the bed will be a great place to play.

Folding plastic picnic table. A compact table that is convenient to take with you on vacation. It is quick and easy to install, has a bright and colorful look.

It can be used both at home and outdoors. Sitting at such a table is convenient not only to eat, but also to draw, play with toys, etc.

Warmer toy. Choose products that use cherry pits as a filler. To warm up such a heating pad, just put it on a warm battery or in a microwave oven (for a few minutes).

The heating pad emits a pleasant aroma, warms the baby’s bed, takes the shape of the human body, so it does not interfere, but, on the contrary, promotes healthy sleep.

Options for educational gifts

It is advisable for children to give educational gifts, and if you are of the same opinion, then choose the presents presented in this category.

Kinetic sand with molds and an inflatable sandbox. Sand play is the best way to develop a child. Kinetic sand is a unique material. It is pleasant to the touch, you can play with it at home without worrying that the child will get dirty or ruin the furniture.

Classes with sand develop creative thinking, tactical sensitivity, motor skills. Having his own sandbox at home, the kid will be carried away for a long time, giving parents a rest.

Water painting mat. Children love to draw, but often their “masterpieces” can be seen on wallpaper, windows, and pieces of furniture. Such a gift will encourage the creative impulses of the baby, but at the same time, it will save adults from many problems associated with drawing.

After all, a felt-tip pen draws with water, when it dries, then the drawing disappears. Let your child draw freely, develop fine motor skills, imagination, self-expression, etc.

The best toys for a 2 year old boy

Children’s toy stores offer a wide range of products that can easily be confusing for the uninformed.

The following options will make your selection process much easier. After studying them, you can make the right choice.

Magnetic fishing. Since fishing is a common male hobby, the boy should like this gift.

This lesson improves coordination of movements, develops attention, accuracy, perseverance, teaches you to achieve your goals, order and patience.

This is a simple and understandable game that captivates for a long time. The boy will like to pull out the fish that has pecked on the hook, the kid will be happy to count his catch.

Music wheel. Boys from the cradle begin to play with cars, dream of their own car. You can partially fulfill the dream of the kid by giving him a steering wheel with illumination and sound signals.

This is an interactive toy that develops creative imagination, improves manual dexterity, and helps to overcome the fear of cars. The child can easily imagine himself on a race track or a truck driver.

Cool gifts for little men


TOP 96 ideas What to give a boy for 2 years +17 gifts and Tips

To truly make a baby happy, you need to give an impressive gift. Feel free to choose a present from the proposed ideas, and you can be sure of success!

Velomobile. This is a vehicle that is driven by pressing the pedals.

The velomobile combines the properties of a bicycle and a car, the boy can easily handle it. This is not a toy that will get bored in a week, it will faithfully serve the baby for more than one year.

The transport is made of lightweight but durable materials, much more stable than a conventional bicycle.

Slide projector. This is not the bulky and heavy device familiar to many from childhood. A modern overhead projector is a small cube that will delight a child with fairy tales and favorite cartoons.

It is very easy to use and absolutely safe for children. The product can be used not only at home, it is convenient to take it with you on the road, to the country house, to nature.

Electric cycle. It’s hard to come up with the best gift for a boy. Having received such a gift, the child will spend more time outdoors, learn to communicate with other children, because he will want to show off his miracle technique to them.

Having his own electric cycle, it will be easier for the boy to learn how to drive other vehicles.

Machine with a set of tools. The boys are little whys and explored. They are interested in learning how cars and other toys work, so they tend to take them apart.

Encourage the interest of the baby by giving him such a gift. The kit includes the machine itself, as well as several tools with which the baby will unscrew the nuts, unscrew the bolts, etc.


In order for the holiday to evoke even more positive emotions in the boy, it is worth knowing which recommendations are best to follow when choosing a gift.

If you want to look like a real magician in the eyes of your baby, who knows how to grant wishes, take a few minutes to read the following tips.

“I myself.”  A child at this age often refuses the help of adults and says: “I myself.” Be guided by this information when choosing a gift. Look closely at those toys where you can create or assemble something yourself. But do not forget that the boy may need your help at any moment, so be there.

Family Council.  Before buying something, you need to consult within the family and decide who and what will give. Then the boy will not receive two identical gifts, the holiday will be even more fun.

Age appropriate gifts. Since a two-year-old baby is a little fidget, he is unlikely to like toys that require perseverance and attentiveness. It is desirable that the details of the toys are bright and large.

Just a soft toy will not impress the birthday boy, a thing with which you can perform some actions, for example, a sandbox set, a designer with large details, etc., will cause much more interest.

Safety is above all. Whatever thing you choose as a gift, first of all, you need to make sure that the boy, playing with it, cannot harm himself. Toys should not contain small parts, sharp corners.

Bright objects do not mean good, often unscrupulous manufacturers use dyes with harmful substances.

Also, do not buy toys that are too heavy, because a child, playing, for example, with a typewriter, may not hold it and drop it on his leg. Be sure to ask the seller if he has a certificate confirming the quality of the goods.

Don’t chase fashion. If a toy is considered a novelty, this does not mean that it will captivate the boy. Sometimes it is better to buy simple, but time-tested and experienced things.

Movement is life. Almost all small children are in constant motion, so you definitely can’t go wrong if you give a boy a trampoline for the house, a scooter, a balance bike, etc.

The boy is a small man. Toddlers often copy the behavior of adults, the baby strives to imitate his father in everything, which means that he will definitely like toy copies of real objects, for example, a set of tools, a children’s laptop, his own vehicle, etc.

Beautiful packaging is the key to success. Small children like everything bright and colorful, they are also interested in opening gifts on their own. Therefore, be sure to take care of the packaging of your present.

It can be a beautiful package, box, wrapping paper, etc. Complete the surprise with a bunch of balloons, at the sight of which the baby will come to an indescribable delight.

The practical side of a gift.  It is desirable that the present bring benefit to the boy, that is, develop his intellectual abilities, help to master elementary skills. Interactive toys would be the best option.

What is better not to give

A two-year-old boy is still small, so he will not be able to appreciate many gifts. Along with what you can give a birthday person, you need to consider options for unwanted presents.

  • Toys with small details.  Children often like to taste everything and stick small objects up their noses, so avoid gifts that contain small items.
  • Pets.  Of course, a cute cat or puppy will definitely please the baby, but the boy is still too small to appreciate the full degree of responsibility for the pet. In addition, the baby can unintentionally harm the animal.
  • Animator visit. It is difficult to explain to a small child that noisy uncles and aunts in bright costumes have come to amuse him. Most likely, the baby will get scared, cry, the holiday will be ruined. Use this idea when the boy is a little older.
  • Books with paper pages . You can watch books only in the presence of adults, because the skin of children is very delicate, it is easy to cut the pages.
  • Toy weapon. Psychologists do not recommend buying toy pistols and machine guns for boys, so many parents will be against such gifts. Toy weapons provoke aggressive behavior in a child. Water pistols are an exception.
  • Money or gift certificate. The boy will be very surprised at the sight of an incomprehensible piece of paper. After all, he, due to his age, does not yet understand the value of money. This is a gift not for the birthday boy, but for his parents.
  • Edible gifts.  You should not give the boy sweets, fruits, nuts, etc. The child may have an allergy. The kid will be very upset that he was given a sweet present, but you can’t try it.
  • Jewelry. The boy will remain indifferent to a beautiful chain, in addition, there is always a danger that he can get tangled in it, tear it off with his hand, accidentally tighten it around his neck.


The famous French writer Antoine de Saint-Exupery once said the catchphrase that has now become: “Be sure to pamper your children, it is not known what trials life has prepared for them.” Feel free to purchase the gift you like, do not be afraid to “give” the baby. Time will pass very quickly, the boy will grow up, but then he will remember unforgettable moments of childhood with bright joy.  

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