TOP 51 ideas What to give a Woman for her Birthday + 22 gifts and Tips

The world is full of women. Mom, daughter, aunt, sister, niece, granddaughter, boss, colleagues, girlfriend, classmate. Ladies have a close circle of relatives, friends and colleagues who, at least once a year, have to solve one question: what to give a woman for her birthday? It seems simple when it fits into the formulas “perfume + …

92 ideas what to give a girl instead of flowers?

When choosing an original gift, it should be understood that not all surprises can cause a storm of delight in a girl. The following tips will help you avoid mistakes: Try to find out about the girl’s preferences before choosing a gift. This can be helped by observing her reaction to any products in the …

91 ideas for what to give Mom for 50 years + 58 gifts and Tips

It seems that suitable gifts for mom for 50 years can be found in almost any store. These can be clothing and footwear boutiques, jewelry and furniture stores, bookstores. However, the choice only at first glance seems so simple. In fact, deciding what to give mom for her 50th birthday is quite difficult if you treat the …

TOP 64 ideas What to give a Sister for her birthday +37 gifts and Tips

The eldest, the middle one, the youngest, the native, the half-blooded, the cousin, the named… There are never too many sisters! They will listen, console, fool around with us or give us a magical “ slap on the head ” if we have turned off the right track. For sincere care and love, we appreciate our sisters and …