TOP 78 ideas What to give a girl for 8 years +20 gifts and tips

Choosing what to give a girl for 8 years is not easy. So that you can choose the perfect solution for how to please the birthday girl, we have created this huge selection of gift ideas for girls on their eighth birthday. Eight-year-old beauties over the last year of their lives have dramatically changed the rhythm …

TOP 51 ideas of what to give a girl for 10 years +34 gifts and Tips

Girls are waiting for their first anniversary with special impatience and trepidation – this is a very serious event, the first step into a real adult life. That is why it is important to take a responsible approach to the question of what to give a girl for 10 years. You don’t know how to …

TOP 43 ideas What to give a Boy for 10 years +20 gifts and Tips

A boy’s 10-year-old birthday is the first date when he celebrates his first serious anniversary. No longer a child, but not yet a teenager, the guys learn about the world, conduct their first experiments and draw their own independent conclusions about the world around them. Boys more often than girls begin to study global issues at …

TOP 74 ideas What to give a Boy for 11 years +30 gifts and Tips

Sometimes it is difficult to decide on the task of what to give a boy for 11 years. If you find yourself in this situation, our selection of mega 11th birthday gift ideas for a teenager is created especially for you! Why are there difficulties in deciding what to give a child to a boy for …

TOP 130 ideas What to give a Boy for 8 years + more gifts and Tips

An eight-year-old boy is yesterday’s kid, full of a thirst for knowledge, dreaming of becoming an adult as soon as possible. At this age, self-esteem is formed, plans are made for a future profession, idols appear. This is the time for new skills, discoveries, meeting interesting people. It is important for adults to support and develop a …

TOP 102 ideas What to give a Boy for 6 years + 26 gifts and Tips

Sometimes it is difficult to decide what to give a boy for 6 years, even knowing the child closely. To put your mind at ease, we offer you a wide selection of gift ideas for a boy’s 6th birthday. Why is it important not to make a mistake in the question of what to give a …