TOP 97+ ideas What can I give a girl for 5 years and Tips

When going to the first anniversary of a child, the question involuntarily arises, what should be a gift for a girl for 5 years. It’s no secret that everyone wants their present to be interesting, useful, memorable, perhaps even the best! And since not everyone has great financial opportunities, it is desirable that the surprise was also …

TOP 96 ideas What to give a Boy for 7 years + 21 gifts and Tips

Not every adult can immediately answer the question of what to give a boy for 7 years. And this is not surprising: the world of toys today is full of hundreds of new products every month. So that you can find a solution, we have collected the best gift ideas for a boy’s 7th birthday. To figure …

TOP 102 ideas What to give a boy for 3 years +19 gifts and Tips

What to give a boy for 3 years is a very simple and very complex question at the same time. A three-year-old kid is consciously waiting for a holiday, and especially gifts. However, due to his age, he still cannot say what he would like to receive as a present, so adults face a difficult task. A long-awaited …

TOP 130 ideas What to give a Boy for 8 years + more gifts and Tips

An eight-year-old boy is yesterday’s kid, full of a thirst for knowledge, dreaming of becoming an adult as soon as possible. At this age, self-esteem is formed, plans are made for a future profession, idols appear. This is the time for new skills, discoveries, meeting interesting people. It is important for adults to support and develop a …

TOP 129 ideas What to give for 17 years + more Gifts and Tips

Seventeen is a wonderful and controversial age. Childhood is already leaving, there are many prospects and adventures ahead, and adulthood and seriousness are still far away. Teenagers are in uncertainty – this is a time of experimentation, trial and error. Some are trying to earn their first money, while others are hard at work on the granite …

184 ideas What to give Children in kindergarten symbolic and original

Every holiday is special for children. Most of them, our beloved children spend in the company of their kindergarten comrades, so the question “what to give for a birthday in kindergarten (or any other holiday – New Year, graduation, etc.)?” sooner or later arises before many parents. Graduation, birthdays and other holidays in kindergarten are one of …