TOP 117 ideas What to give a boy inexpensively +24 gifts and Tips

Choosing what to give a boy inexpensively is not so easy. Of course, you can limit yourself to giving a traditional present (a car or a set of soldiers), but it’s not a fact that this gift will truly please the child. To choose a worthy present, you need to carefully study the market for children’s goods, …

TOP 112 ideas What to give a baby for 2 years +23 gifts and Tips

Two-year-old girls are already independent, active and developing very quickly. They themselves can climb a sofa or bed, begin to play role-playing games with dolls and imitate their mother, examining themselves in a new dress in front of a mirror. In other words, the knowledge of the surrounding world at this age is in full swing, …

TOP 96 ideas What to give a boy for 2 years +17 gifts and Tips

Each kid is looking forward to his birthday, so adults face the difficult question of what to give a boy for 2 years. When going to a holiday, many people think that they will surprise a child by giving him a car. However, it’s time to move away from stereotypes, because there are many gifts that …

TOP 45 ideas What to give for 14 years + 31 gifts and Tips!

At the age of 14, a person begins to experience all the hardships of adolescence, which is characterized by frequent changes in mood and desires. In this regard, it is difficult for parents, relatives and even friends to choose a good gift for the 14th birthday. Below you will find a huge list of ideas that …

78 ideas of what to give a child (boy) for his birthday + 28 more gifts

To make the childhood of every child truly happy and carefree is the task of adults. If you were invited to celebrate the growing up of a little birthday boy, you should seriously think about what to give the boy for his birthday. Going in search of what you can give a boy for his birthday, …

TOP 96 ideas What to give a Boy for 7 years + 21 gifts and Tips

Not every adult can immediately answer the question of what to give a boy for 7 years. And this is not surprising: the world of toys today is full of hundreds of new products every month. So that you can find a solution, we have collected the best gift ideas for a boy’s 7th birthday. To figure …