TOP 54 ideas What to give a girl for 9 years +23 gifts and Tips

Birthday is an important holiday for any child. Every nine-year-old girl looks forward to the day when her loved ones begin to congratulate her and give gifts. But going to a birthday party, not all guests know what to give a girl for 9 years. At 9 years old, girls are very impressionable – they hope to …

TOP 117 ideas What to give a boy inexpensively +24 gifts and Tips

Choosing what to give a boy inexpensively is not so easy. Of course, you can limit yourself to giving a traditional present (a car or a set of soldiers), but it’s not a fact that this gift will truly please the child. To choose a worthy present, you need to carefully study the market for children’s goods, …

TOP 121 ideas What to give a girl for 11 years +55 gifts and Tips

Is it hard for you to decide what to give a girl for 11 years, who has almost everything? We have collected a wide range of ideas in one collection for a gift for a girl on her 11th birthday! It is really difficult for guests invited to the celebration to make a choice. It is at …

TOP 112 ideas what to give a boy for 4 years +24 gifts and Tips

If the question of what to give a boy for 4 years is perplexing to you, you can be calm, as you are already on the right track. Today you will learn all the secrets that should be followed when choosing a gift. The most important rule – there are never too many toys! A four-year-old boy …

TOP 78 ideas What to give a Boy for 9 years +26 gifts and Tips

Choosing gifts and giving them to close people is a responsible and pleasant occupation for both the giver and the recipient. Especially when it comes to children. It is difficult to choose what to give a boy for 9 years – he is no longer quite a child, but not yet an adult guy. However, it is …

TOP 102 ideas What to give a Boy for 14 years +36 gifts and Tips

14 years is a time of change. The boy grows up not only physically, but also mentally. He is on his way to the honorary and long-awaited title of “adult”, because the presentation of the passport is just around the corner. It is no longer possible to call a teenager, who is yesterday’s baby, a child. Yes, and all …