TOP 84 ideas What to give a child for a year +27 gifts and Tips

The first birthday is a significant holiday, both for the baby and for his parents, so the question of what to give a child for a year must be taken with all responsibility. If an adult, in extreme cases, you can give money, then such a number will not work with a child. To surprise and please …

TOP 93 ideas What to give a child for 7 years +23 gifts and Tips

Every year, the question of what to give a child for 7 years becomes more and more relevant. This is due to the abundance of toys, gadgets, clothes on store shelves. In addition, at this age, boys and girls go to school, lifestyles change, new friends appear that influence their opinions and interests. However, there is something that …

TOP 98 ideas What to give a girl for 8 years +24 gifts and Tips

Children grow up very quickly, and now you are already facing the question – what to give a girl for 8 years. Even yesterday’s unintelligent little girl has turned into a schoolgirl who loves to dress up, is more and more interested in her mother’s cosmetics and asks to buy shoes with heels. Today we will …

TOP 160 ideas What to give a boy for his birthday + 35 gifts and Tips

The birthday of your son, nephew, godson, grandson or child is approaching – which means that you definitely have a question: what to give the boy. After all, at first glance it seems that he already has everything. And besides, I want to pick up an interesting thing so that he does not get tired of it …

TOP 116 ideas What you can give a girl for 3 years +28 gifts and Tips

At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing easier than choosing a gift for a child. However, if you think about what to give a girl for 3 years, there will not be so many answers to this question. This is an important period in a baby’s life. She begins to actively study the world …

TOP 112 ideas What to give a girl for 12 years +41 gifts and Tips

Twelve years can be called the beginning of adolescence. This is a period of serious change, because the interests of the child begin to change rapidly. Therefore, choosing what you can give a girl for 12 years can be difficult. On the one hand, the girl has already grown up and she is not interested in dolls, …