TOP 56 ideas What to give an employee and 26 more gifts + Tips

But what if the employees are not one, but many? Perhaps you have to look for gifts for your employee on her birthday or other holidays once a month. Below you will find the best ideas to help you decide what to give your employee for various holidays. You can give a surprise from yourself or …

91 ideas for what to give Mom for 50 years + 58 gifts and Tips

It seems that suitable gifts for mom for 50 years can be found in almost any store. These can be clothing and footwear boutiques, jewelry and furniture stores, bookstores. However, the choice only at first glance seems so simple. In fact, deciding what to give mom for her 50th birthday is quite difficult if you treat the …

TOP 31 ideas of what to give a Girl for a year of relationship + 7 gifts

Many lovers treat anniversaries with extraordinary trepidation. It looks especially touching when such an initiative comes from men, for whom the question “ what to give a girl for the anniversary of a relationship ” becomes a real problem. If you are one of them, and everyday thoughts have already deprived you of peace and sleep, refer to …

TOP 131 ideas What is unusual to give a girlfriend for her birthday

The question arose before you – what is unusual to give a friend for her birthday? Sometimes my head is spinning from such questions, because every girl and woman has a best friend. And this is truly a great blessing. After all, it is she, a soul mate, who can be entrusted with the most secret secrets, and …