TOP 115 ideas What to give dad on DR inexpensively +24 gifts and Tips

Caring children always think about how to please their father, but it can be very difficult to answer the question of what to give dad inexpensively. After all, this is one of the closest people who stands guard over the family, is always ready to help out and support, so such useless things as figurines, photo …

83 ideas What to give a friend for his birthday +18 gifts and Tips

Despite the closeness, it often turns out to be difficult to come up with what you can give a friend for his birthday, because you really want the present to be remembered and liked. In order to make it easier for you to cope with this task and decide what to give a friend for …

TOP 92 ideas What to give a friend +26 gifts and Tips

You were unexpectedly invited to a holiday by an old comrade, colleague, former colleague, classmate, or do you need to find something to give to a familiar man whom you hardly know? Not a problem! Yes, the task seems difficult, because the gift is intended for a distant person whom you know well, and therefore some of …

TOP 89 ideas What to give a Man for 55 years + 42 gifts and Tips

For the stronger sex, 55 years is a serious life milestone. The age when a career and life are built, and a store of knowledge in life, allows you to realize yourself in new endeavors. And despite his advanced age, the man is still full of energy and can afford a variety of entertainment. And, therefore, a gift …

TOP 46 ideas What to give grandfather for 90 years +12 gifts and Tips

The ninetieth birthday is a solid and respected age, which not everyone manages to achieve. If your grandfather is celebrating his birthday, it is important to congratulate him warmly and give him something really worthwhile. If you don’t know what to give your grandfather for his 90th birthday, don’t rush to get upset – our gift ideas …

TOP 103 ideas What to give a Man when everything is there + 44 gifts and Tips

Unexpected surprises and gifts arouse interest and cheer up everyone – even if the hero of the occasion does not react too emotionally to the gift, in his heart he will be pleased with the attention shown to him. Men especially like to feel cared for. Even if they say that they have everything, they will …