TOP 56 ideas What to give a Friend for the New Year +21 gifts and Tips

A friend is one of the most important people in our life. He will always help and hold, at the same time he will scold for a bad deed. And now the New Year is coming, and you do not know what to give him? No need to be sad and run around all the shops in …

TOP 112 ideas What to give a baby for 2 years +23 gifts and Tips

Two-year-old girls are already independent, active and developing very quickly. They themselves can climb a sofa or bed, begin to play role-playing games with dolls and imitate their mother, examining themselves in a new dress in front of a mirror. In other words, the knowledge of the surrounding world at this age is in full swing, …

What to give for a wedding inexpensively? 36 ideas and 12 gifts + Tips

If you are looking for something original and inexpensive to give the newlyweds for a wedding, then you have come to the right place. Below you will find inexpensive wedding gifts, original and inexpensive ideas on how to give wedding money to newlyweds in an original way and what is better not to give. Using …

TOP 78 ideas What to give a Boy for 9 years +26 gifts and Tips

Choosing gifts and giving them to close people is a responsible and pleasant occupation for both the giver and the recipient. Especially when it comes to children. It is difficult to choose what to give a boy for 9 years – he is no longer quite a child, but not yet an adult guy. However, it is …

TOP 152 ideas What to give a Child for the New Year +24 gifts and Tips

The New Year is a holiday that both adults and children expect with bated breath. And if moms and dads associate the onset of a new calendar period with aspirations for a better future, then children want one thing – entertainment, fun and, of course, gifts. Parents, who have already plunged headlong into New Year’s Eve …

TOP 84 ideas What to give a woman for 70 years +32 gifts and Tips

The fair sex, no matter how old they are, always want to feel in demand, to know that they are the most charming and attractive, so the question of what to give a woman for 70 years remains as relevant. The 70th anniversary is a unique date when a woman realizes that a long way …